I spent the past weekend in a suburb of Portland, Oregon at a Gardnerian event. The coven I'm working with hosted many interesting out-of-town guests and Craft luminaries, and I got to meet some amazing people. I was honored to be asked to give a presentation on "Magical Woods and Trees" and reworked my "From the Hazel to the Blackthorn" speech towards a more Gardnerian-specific angle. If I may be so bold, I think it went pretty well. We spend the weekend eating and chatting between wonderful classes and workshops. I especially liked the class on Gerald Gardner and early Gardnerian records and artifacts, and I learned many things I never knew. We closed Saturday night with a ritual.
In other news, today I harvested the first hazelnuts of the year. They are now ripening in a box in the garage. I have buckets and buckets more to gather, so I'm hoping the weather holds all week.