Hello There

My thoughts about Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca, cooking, gardening, and anything else that catches my fancy.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What's Your Witch Background?

This is question one from the 44 days of Witch questions.

1. What's your Witchy background?

Always wanted to be a Witch, even as a small child. I dressed up as one for Halloween at age 3! Made up my own version of the Craft, and practiced it in secret, until I found my first "real" Witchcraft books at around age 12. After that, I started practicing what I thought was Wicca, until I became disillusioned and went underground, so to speak, for years. When I discovered Trad Craft, though, and that there were others like me that weren't sappy and into sparkles and hugs, I became involved in the new Witchcraft community once again. Over time, I find myself moving away from the more ceremonial magic, ritualistic based stuff and into a simpler, more organic folk magic and spirituality.

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